Show me an oil painting most beautiful and good place for human to live

Show me an oil painting most beautiful and good place for hhuman to live, 2022, “Show me an oil painting most beautiful and good place for hhuman to live”(The image created by CrAlyon), Oil on Canvas, 150x150(cm)

After creating an image by asking an AI program to create “Show me an oil painting most beautiful and good place for hhuman to live” the work was created as an oil painting by hiring skilled workers.

In the age of AI, where anyone can create images, I imagined a future in which artists can create works using AI or work as workers reproducing images created by someone in real life. In the past, humans created and robots replaced human labor, but in the future, autonomous robots or AI may emerge and produce the images they create with human labor. This could be the biggest event in the history of mankind where there was no existence higher than humans other than God. An intelligent being higher than a human with a self.